Cookies are small pieces of data given to you, and stored on your browser, from websites that “tag” certain events so that your browser remembers them in the future—until you clear cookies from your browser cache. From there, your browser knows how to talk to the site on future visits. Cookies can be as simple as “have I seen this page before?” (how you’re able to stay logged in to sites where you have an account, even if you close and reopen a window) or “did I close this popup?” (useful for a visit to a site where you really don’t want the site popup showing up every time you navigate to another page on the site), or as complicated as “this user has viewed x,y, & z a lot” usually used by ad companies to market to you.
WordPress (the company that designs wordpress blogs) has its own type of cookies that keeps track of how visits to all their sites are used on a large-scale level, including analytics (such as IP address, user ID and username, site ID, user agent, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, and country code.) None of that is controlled by or stored on this website.
Checkout options are available through Paypal & Stripe. Both payment processors collect information from you, but none of that information passes through or is stored on this website.